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Sponsored Guest Post
By sponsoring a guest post we’ll post an article of your choice that talks about the benefits and features of your product or service.
Price: $45

Instructions: Click on the Buy Now button to begin payment. Once you have made payment, you’ll be forwarded to our instruction page that outlines the information we’ll need you to send us and how to send it. Thanks!

Sponsored Content
Sponsor a previously published tech post with a brief bio and ‘dofollow’ link before and after the post.
Price: $30

Instructions: Click on the Buy Now button to begin payment. Once you have made payment, you’ll be forwarded to our instruction page that outlines the information we’ll need you to send us and how to send it. Thanks!

Ad Blocks
Ad space can be rented in the sidebar on the homepage and article pages or in the footer for 1 month at a time.
Price: $35/mo.

Instructions: Click on the Subscribe button to begin payment. Once you have made payment (you’ll be able to set the amount of months), you’ll be forwarded to our instruction page that outlines the information we’ll need you to send us and how to send it. Thanks!