How you can help Afghanistan

A list of organizations and projects to support, and information to share. …

Afghanistan is in Taliban hands, and the country is in a state of terror and chaos.

Foreign embassies are being evacuated, and images from Kabul airport show scenes of panic. People are storming military cargo, filling up planes with more passengers than they can carry, and even clinging onto airplanes in desperate, fatal attempts to be airlifted out of the country.

For those looking for ways to help, here are a few organizations and initiatives to support Afghans. You can donate, volunteer, or share information. We will keep updating the list.

Rukshana Media

Rukshana Media is a women-run news organization named after a woman who was stoned to death by the Taliban. It has been providing essential coverage of women’s issues through the Taliban invasion, and provides reliable information that is essential for the population. You can donate to it here.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)

The LIRS is helping resettle an expected 2,500 refugees in the US in the coming weeks. It is looking for volunteers in Seattle, Houston, and Fort Worth to help with airport pick-ups, apartment setups, or meals. You can sign up to help or donate here.

Center for Governance and Markets at the University of Pittsburgh (CGM)

CGM students and staff are helping Afghans who worked for US organizations apply for the priority refugee visa program dedicated to Afghan nationals. If you know of anyone who might be eligible, this is the information CGM needs to help:

Afghan Diaspora for Equality & Progress

ADEP is mobilizing legal experts and resources to help Afghans seek immigration and asylum out of the country. The organization has put together a document with the requirements and pathways for Afghans to relocate to the US, UK, and Canada.

Women’s Regional Network

A verified digital fundraising campaign is collecting money for women’s rights advocates in Afghanistan. Its funds will go toward protecting female politicians and activists that are facing death threats or have had to flee their homes. You can donate here.

Baba Mazari Foundation

BMF is raising funds through a verified digital campaign to support internally displaced Afghans who were victims of Taliban attacks. You can donate here.


Afghanaid is a UK organization focused on providing first aid in Afghanistan. You can support it here.

Journalists protection

By virtue of their visibility and work, Afghan journalists face a high risk of being retaliated against by the Taliban. Several organizations are trying to help, including the Global Investigative Journalism Network, and Women in Journalism (helping Afghan journalists irrespective of gender).

The Global Network for Press Freedom and the Afghan Journalists Safety Committee are raising funds for safe houses for journalists and basic needs:

Islamic Relief

IR is directing donations to its Afghan branch to provide basic needs and food to Afghans who are internally displaced. You can donate here.

Digital safety measures

With the Taliban taking over, Afghans who have been outspoken about the risk of their rule are at higher risk of retaliation. Human Rights First had compiled instructions to delete one’s digital history for activists in Hong Kong, and has shared a translated version to help Afghans: